Monday, April 09, 2007

Supreme Court vs. Loksabha

It's the reservation issue this time over which the Supreme court of India and Loksabha have decided to have a fight. This is not the first time when these two pillars of democracy have had differences and tensions among them. Previously also there had been occasions like Shahbano case etc.

The reason we have two institutions is to keep watch on one another. Not to allow the power to go in the hands of few people which will eventually lead to dictatorship. (Remember what happened during emergency.) When the power will be divided and there is no supremo, probability is much higher that all the systems will perform in a better way.

But MP's feel like they are the kings of this country and they can do whatever they want. They can pass any bills and it becomes a law. No degree or qualities are required to become a MP. Now one can say that its the people who elect candidates like these as MPs. So it's their fault. But everyone knows that the argument is not entirely correct as we always have to choose one from a given pack and can't have something out of the way.

Any way I don't want to comment about the people in the system. I'm talking about the system itself. One should bear in mind that no person is perfect. A person will invariably fall morally, if he is endowed by infinite power. So the system should be developed in such a way that there will be checks within the system and they will automatically stop accumulation of power.

It is for this reason courts should be allowed to function independently without any political pressure. The supreme belief of democracy that government elected by people is paramount and hence must be almost omnipotent, is I believe, somewhat wrong. One must always seek guidance of sages in all the important issues and not just go by what majority thinks correct.

And it is the duty of people to remind this to our beloved politicians. Remember your true place. You are not been given any right to decide the fate of the entire community. And if they don't understand, a lesson should go through ballots. This is the time when every person should stand for the welfare of the society and not let ourselves to die in their hands.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is not that we should teach a lesson thru Ballot only. We can have an outrage whenever the is an Important Issue. Like on 26th July 2005, 800 people died but there was no outcry of Public Opinion.