Monday, July 06, 2009

Homosexuality! Do we accept it ?

Delhi high court's recent judgement legalising homosexual relations has created a stir in many spheres of Indian social life, especially religious one. And it has also shown a very rare unity amongst all religions. (DNA printed a nice cartoon on this a couple of days back). The gay community in India has uproariously accepted this judgement.

I am actually very confused. I can't understand biological reasons for someone to be gay. I firmly believe that the natural function of sex is reproduction which cannot be achieved in this. Neither have I ever seen a homosexual dog or leopard. So I believe this is a tendency developed by human beings because of the attachment of feelings and emotions with the act. As human beings are animals with intellect they do not conceive these bodily pleasures as mere acts for fulfilling some hunger or bodily needs. A tiger will be as happy with a sheep as with a deer. There is no sense of deliciousness for him. Similarly one can argue that human beings don't get satisfied by mere act of having sex but we tend to make it 'Delicious'. In my opinion the idea of gay sex has arisen from this tendency.

The next question is why would someone develop such an orientation. As psychologists say, this has not been answered conclusively. Homosexual behaviour is not considered as psychological disorder or disease. Researchers try to find the roots of this behaviour in the structure of brain and there are some hints obtained from this work which may hold the clue to the answer of this nightmarish question.

Given this should I consider it as a abnormality ? Do I think its improper and not good for society and hence should be banned ? I am again confused. If such a tendency is developed in some person due to whatever reasons, won't it be injustice to him if we force him to be straight ? This question has to be answered with socio-cultural perspective. In India we always say that Artha and Kaama has to be bound by Dharma. (I will not go into details of meaning of Dharma. Just note I don't mean religion). According to Dharma sexual pleasures, or in fact any bodily pleasures are to be enjoyed, keeping in mind their original role.

In spite of all this I sometimes tend to feel that homosexuality is okay as many times its not the choice made by the person to be so. Just like a blind or a deaf, a homosexual person is just another kind of impaired whom we need not treat differently and should be given all the rights that a straight person has. But this argument has a limit. As with blinds we give them all the rights except having a driving license, we cannot allow gays to get married. I feel very uneasy with the idea of gay marriage. This is the most disturbing part for me in this judgement. I can accept homosexuality as a personal freedom especially because this tendency is typically due to reasons not in the hand of that person. But marriage is a sacred institution in India. Bride and groom marry not just to fulfil each others sexual needs in a socially acceptable way, but there is a greater cause to it. Once married they are liable to perform some duties towards each other, other family members and also rest of the society. As this is not possible in gay marriages, it should certainly be banned.

And so is the case of adoption. Which child will like a female father or male mother? Isn't it injustice to that small kid if he/she has been adopted by a gay couple ? Won't he be ashamed to bring his friends home ?

No way! On personal level homosexual relations can be accepted to some extent but legalising them and giving them family rights is definitely not acceptable in this part of the world.

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