Thursday, July 27, 2006

Mr. Editor TOI, You are casteist

Few days back all saw the news covering of a little kid, 'Prince', who had fallen to a 55 ft. deep abyss. All news channels covered the story very lucidly. The whole nation was praying for the farewell of the kid. He was finally rescued after spending some fifty hours in that pit.

Next day Times of India had written a story on the issue. It mentioned that the boy belongs to OBC caste in that report. I simply don't understand why they need to mention it. Do they mean he was rescued because he was OBC ? Or do they mean since he was OBC it took so much of time for it ? Was it because OBC that Mumbai fire brigade had gone all the way to Kurukshetra ? And finally was it because he was OBC that the whole nation was praying for him ?

Mr Editor, please don't employ such tactics to divide the society. We are one society. From Kanyakumari to Kashmir, "AA SETU HIMAACHAL", we are one. Please don't try to divide us amongst castes, languages and other barriers. These are mere supreficial differences. This incidence in fact has shown the same. It seems you don't like this picture of united indian society.

But whether you like it or not, this is the truth. And don't forget you belong to the same land. So please don't indulge in any such affairs henceforth and don't try to break the unity of the nation.


Anonymous said...

Obviously. Harshal you have made apt remarks. These people carry their caste on sleeves though outworldly they pretend to be so liberal!
What the hell we have to do with Prince's caste??? Mr. Editor, once again you have shown your true colours. There are many other things have to be tackled with. But you used your resources to search for Prince's caste! Pity on you.

Prasanna G said...

I completely agree with what you have said here.
TOI most often than not to increase its sales does resort to such cheap tactis.
I was appaled to see on its frontpage during the Soccer world cup, statistics about "How many times did an Italian/French have sex in a year?"
Is that any way related to the world cup? Is it something which has to be put on the Front page? Such sleazy journalism is a shame for the 4th estate.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

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Anonymous said...

good observation. TOI sucks big time. but you forgot a question. did the boy fall because he was OBC? :D