Thursday, May 04, 2006

Nepal and maoists

I refrained for so many days from writing about current situation in Nepal. Till this moment the picture was that the struggle in Nepal is of common people for the freedom and democracy, against monarchy or this king, king Gyanendra in particular.

Indeed this was true in some sense. But we should not forget maoist hands behind it. There is no doubt that poeple's rule should have been restored much before. The days are over when king was considered as the the 'Avtar of Vishnu' (Naavishnuh Pruthivipati). So it was a right move by India to interfere, and also by King Gyanendra to revive the democracy.

But maoists are not happy with it. The reason seems that they don't themselves believe in democracy. They just wanted change of rule from the king to maoist party. That's why they have refused to accept the solution which is accepted by all other party. And they have now forced PM Koirala to cease all activities against them.

These groups can be having some international support. The reason is obvious. To create checkpost on Indian border. Nepal has been the part of Brihat-Bharat since this country existed. And it is having a very important role of border security. Also the remaining Bharat has a role to play when Nepal is in turmoil. We have taken steps to restore democracy. Now its our duty to support this new government on all fronts to restore the peace. This is a duty of a big brother which India has to fulfil !


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