Dadoji Konddev, in this story entered when Shivaji came to Pune from Bangalore with his mother. Shivaji was roughly twelve years old then. Dadoji taught him many things which included administration and law, commerce, various languages (including SamskRt) and military training. Some of these skills were taught personally and for some expert teachers were appointed which was managed by Dadoji.
This is a history which I learnt in my school and has been taught to every other child till a year ago. Recently a person Sachin Godambe filed an RTI asking the references for this information. The information that the government made public after appointing a committee on this issue is "Dadoji was appointed as an administrator and overall mentor for Shivaji by Shahaji. There is no proof that says that he was his teacher." And now there is all political game started around.
The first question is why is teaching history important and which history should be taught to whom ? History teaches us about our glorious past from which we receive inspiration and also about our mistakes which warns us about possible future disasters. To achieve this history is unveiled at different levels for different people. Many simple looking events are magnified out of proportion just to have a moral impact on reader. A great care needs to be taken (and generally is taken) about what message is this information giving because of the style of presentation chosen. And yet it should always be remembered that the although we may give more or less importance to some event, we can not delete an event or add something new in the history which never actually happened. This is not just unlawful and untrue but also unethical and a sin.
But many things seep into history books just because details are not known. With new evidences available, these stories are sometimes falsified. Unfortunately they are now attached with the sentiments of the people and there is a resistance for change. Also the elements which aim to divide the society to gain some petty benefits exploit these findings. Sachin Godambe case I feel is one such case. It is not his academic interest to know about these details about Dadoji, but rather he (and the group behind him) wants to give a casteist colour to this entire affair. Their motives are not clean which can be seen from their websites and blogs. Rather this group wants to eliminate any references to Brahmins in history, denying even the just importance. There is no doubt that Shivaji himself never tolerated this petty quarrels amongst our own kins and wanted to unite everyone under the saffron flag, which does not belong to any particular caste but rather is the flag for entire Hindu society. Many brahmins were at important posts in his kingdom as were many mahars (dalits). And the reason that this could happen was they were not brahmins or mahars but were just Hindus.
Unfortunately people are playing dirty games on the name of the great Shivaji and scholars like Jayasingh Pawar are supporting this nonsense. People like him need to understand that the information can be used for wrong motives as well. Knowledge although in itself is not right or wrong, it can prove to be either way depending who is having it. And this Viveka needs to be done by the knowledge giver or Guru.
Another important thing I feel Indians need to learn is the rationality. We need to accept the truths in history as they are. Knowledge about a mistake committed by a person I revere, does not reduce my faith towards him. Neither does my faith hinder me to hear some uneasy truths. I accept the great man as a human being who can falter sometimes although is definitely venerable. This rational outlook towards history is very much needed. It not just makes one proud of one's history but makes him so educatedly. People should be made aware of their correct history which can never let them fall in traps made by people like Sachin Godambe.