Friday, March 24, 2006

Sonia's Sacrifice !!!

We all have must have read the news that Ms. Sonia Gandhi has resigned from the Loksabha. This is the second act of her doing sacrifice. Two years back she had given up the post of prime minister in the same fashion. I'm sure the congress supporters must have rushed to the 10, janpath.

Sonia Gandhi has said she is not in the politics for some personal gains but she wants to serve the nation. She is not interested in being PM or holding any such post. So great is Soniaji !!

This reminds me a story of thief who once had stolen something and fled away to some other village. Now the villagers of other village started asking from where he got so much of money. He didn't want to disclose obviously. So what he did was he gave a big donation to a local temple. Now he was no more thief but a great donor who had done a great favour to the society. Now he was a great fellow ! Just like our Soniaji !!

Dear Soniaji, what you have done, should have been done long before. And it is no sacrifice since you have given back which was never yours. You were holding it illegaly. So don't try to get martyrdom or saintdom. Instead ask all your fellow members who are holding the posts of benefit to resign quickly. This will prove how much do you respect our constitution and law.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Let's condemn the varanasi blasts !!!

The varansi bomb blasts in last week is really a ferocious act showing the wicked mentality of these terrorists. This is the time to realize that this chain of blasts is a planned event to defame india and demoralize the hindu community. Akshardham blast and attack on our Samsad were the previous ones.

Now all hindus, the sons of this land must come togather to condemn this act. We must stand togather and show the strength. What more do we need to rise from the great Tamas of the centuries ?

Let all people of the world know that hindus will no longer tolerate any such events. Hindus are not in favour of violence. It is the land which gave world the message of Ahimsa. But Ahimsa does not mean the cowardice. All our enemies must bear this in our mind. It's the time to act now. Let's all join our hands in this act of making our society strong !!!