Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Reservations once again !!!

Few months back there was a great agitation about the proposed reservations for OBS's in elite institutes like IIT's and IIM's. Because of opposition from almost all sections of society government had to take it back. That time PM had assured the students group that a committee will be formed and decision will be made after the judgement comes.

Now suddenly news comes that the bill is passed in cabinet meeting. It will be braught to Loksabha on the last day of the session so as to avoid long discussion. And finally there will be reserved seats although majority of population is opposing it. Is this we call a democracy ?

I shoud make myself clear here that I'm not against reservations. But I don't agree with the kind of policy that is proposed. We cannot simply go on continuing this if there are no results. Dr. Ambedkar had asked to review it every 10 years and remove totally after at max 20. Now we've completed 60 and we are increasing the percentage and including more and more castes in the list.

Also the reservations in premier institutes of india are totally unacceptable. These are the people we are looking forward to guide our nation. Are we going to give our future in the hands of some people just by looking at their caste ?

I sincerely feel we should all unite and support the protests by AIIMS. It's not just a matter for some doctors and engineers. Its for each and every person of this society. Let us not fall victim to the politicians and their selfish deeds. Let's all protest it our place and show the strength of a united and awakened society.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Mr. Editor TOI, You are casteist

Few days back all saw the news covering of a little kid, 'Prince', who had fallen to a 55 ft. deep abyss. All news channels covered the story very lucidly. The whole nation was praying for the farewell of the kid. He was finally rescued after spending some fifty hours in that pit.

Next day Times of India had written a story on the issue. It mentioned that the boy belongs to OBC caste in that report. I simply don't understand why they need to mention it. Do they mean he was rescued because he was OBC ? Or do they mean since he was OBC it took so much of time for it ? Was it because OBC that Mumbai fire brigade had gone all the way to Kurukshetra ? And finally was it because he was OBC that the whole nation was praying for him ?

Mr Editor, please don't employ such tactics to divide the society. We are one society. From Kanyakumari to Kashmir, "AA SETU HIMAACHAL", we are one. Please don't try to divide us amongst castes, languages and other barriers. These are mere supreficial differences. This incidence in fact has shown the same. It seems you don't like this picture of united indian society.

But whether you like it or not, this is the truth. And don't forget you belong to the same land. So please don't indulge in any such affairs henceforth and don't try to break the unity of the nation.

Service with anonymity

Tsunami in tamilnadu and other parts of east cost of India, was a very large scale calamity. Many hands came forward to help the victims. We hardly know the names of all. But one name was prominent amongst all. 'Sevabharati'. Everyone was impressed by the selfless service by these volunteers in khaki shorts.

Now they have completed rehabilitation project of 248 houses in keechankuppam village, Nagapattinam. These houses were handed over on 6th july in presence of Gouthamanandha Maharaj, President Ramakrishna Mutt. Many officers of TN government and RSS high rank leaders including Shri Mohanrao Bhagwat were present for the event.

Read the full story :

Seva Bharathi Handed Over Permanent Houses to Government Constructed for Tsunami

Seva Bharathi Tamilnadu, constructed 248 permanent houses in keechankuppam village, Nagapattinam, which was very wostly affected by Tsunami. The colony is named as "Vyasa Nagar".

Handing over function was held at Keechankuppan on 6th July 06. shri Rajendran, R.S.S. Secretary, southern Tamilnadu was welcomed the guests and participants.

Poojyashri. Gouthamanandha Maharaj, President Ramakrishna Mutt has unveiled the name board. In his speech he quoted the Vivekanada's Sayings" main objective of my life is to make my country awared". Number of people were given a helping hand for Tsunami Victims, there was no difference of opinion and racisism. All were involved as a team and as a family in reconstruction and rehabilitation work. It shows that our nation going towards peace & prosperity.

Shri. Shankar Thathuvathi, President, Vishva Vibhag, R.S.S - Helping and giving hands in the time of disaster or emergency in the national tendering and attitude of Hindus. During cathrina in U.S so many Hindus voluntarily helped lot of people. Our nation gives us lot. So, we have to dedicate our life to our nation and society.

Project officer Radha Appreciated well the works of Seva Bharathi Tamilnadu during Tsunami time. He highlighted the Seva Bharathi's rescue and rehabilitation work. He adviced the fisherman Seva Bharathi Tamilnadu planned to construct more than 1000 permanent houses. So, fisherman's should utilize and co-operate the service of Seva Bharathi Tamilnadu.

Shri Mohanji Bagavath, all India general Secretary, RSS handed over the permanent houses key to Shri Raman, additional collector and project officer Shri Radha. He said that "I feel very proud and lucky to attend this function.

Shri R.V.S. Marimuthu, state president, RSS, Shri Shyam Prande, Secretary, Sewa International, Shri Chakrapani, commissioner Town Panchayath, Shri Rajendran, president fisherman association, Dr.Sengottaiyan, President, Seva Bharathi Tamilnadu, Shri Kesava Vinayagam, General Secretary, Seva Bharathi Tamilnadu, Shri Shankaran, Project officer and Shri Narayana Swamy has also participated.

Shri Namasivayam given the vote of thanks

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Mumbai Blasts : Two Men

Sorry for being invisible for long. Had really nothing to write and engrossed into some other matters so deeply that could not even express it here.

Bomb blasts in mumbai railways was really a heinous act. We all know what groups are behind this and what is their motive. We should raise voice against such atrocities.

Great amount of relief work was done in Mumbai after this. The relatives of those who have suffered will gratefully accept this. I wish to describe two such cases here. (One of my close friend was eyewitness). Some people in Dadar region were helping victims at K.E.M., a hospital in Mumbai where a large number of victims were taken. They were providing them clothings, food and required medicine as the hospital stock was limited. One of these volunteers came out at about 12:30 in the night and saw Shrim. Shabana ji and Javed Akhtar sahb giving speech in front of a big mob. They were saying how the doctors are rude and the facilities are insufficient and relatives and victims themselves are ill treated. Then they said its complete failure of government. All media was present to cover this. My friend asked him, "have you gone in and seen the situation ?" He said no. Then he described true situation to the crowd. And pleaded these leaders not to give false statements in front of media. Then this fellow asked Shabanaji about the help she was taking for quake victims of Pakistan and was refused a visa. He appealed her to give that sum to these people. Shabanaji didnt say a word and ran inside the hospital. Crowd was really furious and then she had to go out in Police protection.

Second man is a school kid of Dadar. I even dont know his name. He's monitor of nineth class in some school of Dadar. He decided, on the second day of blasts, that it's our duty to help the suffered. He decided his class won't have tiffin that day. The news spread in the school and nobody from class one to class ten had their tiffin. All the food was taken to K.E.M. to serve for the patients. What a great example of service this little boy has laid! "Shat Pranam" to this anonymous hero.

Friday, May 12, 2006

A memorable year for India (part II)

This is the second part of this blog. And I will write today about another great son of this divine land. His name is Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar, popularly known as 'ShriGuruji'. He was born on 19 February 1906. This is his birth centenary year.

The name could be little unfamiliar to many. He was the second sarsanghachalaka of RSS. One of the largest voluntary organisations in world. And he has played a key role in taking RSS to its present heights.

Born in Nagpur, sriguruji was a very bright student. After schooling and preliminary college education, he went to BHU, where he completed his M.Sc. in zoology and then became a lecturer there. During these days he came in contact with Ramkrishna Math in Nagpur and soon went to swami Akhandananda for Deeksha. He came back to nagpur after swamiji passed away. Soon he came in close contact with Dr. Hedgewar.

He then became the closest kin of doctorji, and he guided him through various responsibilities in organisation. After doctorji, he became the chief of RSS. He was authority in indian scriptures and was in some sense succesor of Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. He proposed in neat and clear way 'Hindu Rashtra Hypothsis' and provided a very strong philosophical foundation to the organisation.

But he was also a true karmayogee and contributed a lot in spread and proliferation of RSS to every part of India. He inspired many other organisation like VHP, ABVP and BJP. But he always engrossed himself in root level work of character building. During his period nation saw the assasination of Mahatma Gandhijee and ban on RSS followed after. He guided his volunteers through this tough period. He had also fortold the danger of China and that of Bangladesh which we are realising now. During his tenure many movements were started like ban on cow slaughter and foundation of vivekananda rock memorial.

He has also contributed through his books, many articles and interviews. The most famous being compilation of his writings 'Bunch of Thoughts'.

This is his birth centenary year and we can atleast decide to read and know about this sanyasee leader of modern time.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A memorable year for India (part I)

India has been, since last many thousand years, the motherland of many great sages and philosophers, kings and warriors, scientists and artists. This is the year we witness 150th, 100th and 50th birth year of three such sons of this land.

The first among them is 'Lokamanya' Bal Gangadhar Tilak. Nobody in India needs any introduction for this great warrior of indian freedom struggle. He was one of the frontline leaders in indian national congress. He was the first person who vividly said 'Political freedom is my birthright'. He started many movements against british rule, most famous being 'VangBhang Andolan' or movement against unfair division of Bengal. Contrary to popular belief, he was the first person who gave the idea of 'Swadeshi', not Mahatma Gandhiji. He also emphasized on 'Rashtriya Shikha' or education in harmony with our national culture. The idea of total boycott (Bahishkar) also originated from his mind.

Apart from politics he was renowned mathematician, astronomer and philosopher. In fact these words seem quite short to me and not really capturing his true intellect. The books he has written are the quite vivid proof of it. 'Geeta Rahasya' and 'Arctic orgin of Vedas' are the most famous ones. These were written when he was in jail for 6 years. Apart from these there are many editorials he has written.

Although a person in congress he supported other groups fighting for freedom. V.D.Savarkar and many other revolutionaries had taken their inspiration from him. Also he contributed actively in education, social reforms and newspaper which was a new medium those days.

He was born on 23rd July 1956. This year we will be selebrating his 150th birth anniversary. Let us have him as a role model in front of us.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

India in UN's Human Rights Council

India is elected as a member of Human Rights Council today. She got maximum number votes amongst asian group of countries tallying 173 out of 191. We had large margin over China and Japan. Indonesia which is closest to us got 165 votes.

This shows the confidence world still has on India. And it also reminds us that we, as a nation, the oldest nation on earth, have a duty to fulfil. The whole world is looking towards us. We are not permanent member of security council. One may say that it is harbinger of permanent membership in security council. But we should notice that when it comes to human rights world is looking to us. It wants us to show a path where everybody can live happily. This stems from our philosophy of 'Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah'. Now we also need to show a way by which this can be realized in practice.

A great task which stands at first is to give equal human rights to people in our society. Still we have depressed classes. Upper classes sucking their blood. Malpractices of dowry, child marriage and female infanticide. We should make society free of casteism. We should start from ourselves and build a new society free from all differences and hierarchy.

World is looking ...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Nepal and maoists

I refrained for so many days from writing about current situation in Nepal. Till this moment the picture was that the struggle in Nepal is of common people for the freedom and democracy, against monarchy or this king, king Gyanendra in particular.

Indeed this was true in some sense. But we should not forget maoist hands behind it. There is no doubt that poeple's rule should have been restored much before. The days are over when king was considered as the the 'Avtar of Vishnu' (Naavishnuh Pruthivipati). So it was a right move by India to interfere, and also by King Gyanendra to revive the democracy.

But maoists are not happy with it. The reason seems that they don't themselves believe in democracy. They just wanted change of rule from the king to maoist party. That's why they have refused to accept the solution which is accepted by all other party. And they have now forced PM Koirala to cease all activities against them.

These groups can be having some international support. The reason is obvious. To create checkpost on Indian border. Nepal has been the part of Brihat-Bharat since this country existed. And it is having a very important role of border security. Also the remaining Bharat has a role to play when Nepal is in turmoil. We have taken steps to restore democracy. Now its our duty to support this new government on all fronts to restore the peace. This is a duty of a big brother which India has to fulfil !

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Our national heroes changed !!!

Do we know that there is beach in Kerala named after Saddam Hussain ? Amd our minoritist politicians are happily quiet about this :

Former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein may be a tired prisoner these days, but unknown to him, he is a political hero for a group of villagers in Kerala.

Most of the voters in the village known as Saddam Beach in Kerala's Muslim majority Malappuram district say the jailed Hussein -- who turns 69 on Friday -- is their hero and they will vote for the candidate who speaks against America and in support of Saddam.

"Naturally, this means that most of us will vote for the Left parties this time because they have always stood against American policies," explains Mohammed Bashir, who owns a tea-shop at Saddam Beach.

Last week, Bashir and his friends -- Arif, Sujanapal and Rajendran -- went around the village collecting funds to create election posters in Saddam's name. One such poster on a coconut tree read: 'Vote for the candidate who supports Saddam Hussein.' ...

...The village has some 600 voters. Left Democratic Front candidate T P Muhammad Kutty, whose Kondotty constituency covers Saddam Beach, says he is happy that many Saddam supporters will vote for him.

"This is a unique village, which is the finest example of how even ordinary people are against the anti-imperialistic policies of the US administration, and how the Indian government has been blindly supporting it," says Kutty.

The beachside village gained international popularity in 1991, when local Muslim leaders named it Saddam Beach during the first Gulf War to affirm their solidarity with the Iraqi leader....

...Mohammed Bashir heads the Saddam Hussein Voluntary Trust at Saddam Beach. "We formed such a trust to help the victims of atrocities in Malappuram. We named the trust after Saddam Hussein because he is our role model. He is our anti-American hero," says Bashir.

But how does this affection for Saddam gets reflected in the assembly election? "The villagers have decided that we will vote only for those who speak against America and in support of Saddam Hussein," points out Bashir.

"I agree with the feelings of these villagers for Saddam Hussein. Most of their kith and kin work in the Gulf, and many of them who were in Iraq had to return because of the US invasion. So it is natural that they have been supporting Saddam," says Congress leader Shoukath Ali....


A time to compare mahatmaji and his so called followers. Do these people really understand the power of this weapon and do's and dont's for the use of it ? Read these excerpts ...

People like Medha Patkar must realize that their fasts have been hypocritical and not Gandhian. The Mahatma was pitted against constitutionally irresponsible and unrepresentative alien rule. The situation today is very different.

Mahatma Gandhi experimented with truth. Human life was his laboratory, love his instrument and appeal of the heart his language. He knew well the distinction between a devout religionist who spread the fragrance of love and amity and a religious fanatic who fuelled enmity. He fought the tyrannical system, but with no enmity to those who built it. He preached and practised non-violence of the brave, not the coward.

The hunger of his fasts stirred the conscience of the nation and extinguished the fires of hate. As he perfected the technique of satyagraha, the prison gained the glory of a palace; the scars of suffering became the badge of honour. The Mahatma was pitted against constitutionally irresponsible and unrepresentative alien rule.

Mahatma Gandhi viewed “fasting unto death is the last and the most potent weapon in the armoury of Satyagraha. It is a sacred thing. But it must be accepted with all its implication. It is not the fast itself, but what it implies that matters. A Satyagrahi should fast only as a last resort when all other avenues of redress have been explored and have failed.

“Ridiculous fasts spread like plague and are harmful… It is common knowledge that the best of good things are often abused. We see this happening every day. If a man, however popular and great he may be, takes up an improper cause and fasts in defence of the impropriety, it is the duty of his friends and fellow-workers and relatives to let him die rather than that an improper cause should triumph so that he may live. Fairest means cease to be fair when the end sought is unfair.

“Fasting quickens the spirit of prayer, that is to say, the fasting is a spiritual act, and therefore, addressed to God. . Such a fast is undertaken in obedience to the dictates of the inner voice and, therefore, prevents haste. Fasting cannot be undertaken mechanically. It is a powerful thing but a dangerous thing, if handled amateurishly. It requires complete self-purification, much more than what is required in facing death with retaliation even in mind. One such act of perfect sacrifice would suffice for the whole world. Such is held to be Jesus' example.”

Medha’s insistence on immediate stoppage of work on the dam was perverse. Work on the SSP dam has been suspended off and on for approximately six or more years at the instance of the NBA. This itself has complicated issues by weakening the oustee’s resolve to move, swelling numbers and preventing rehabilitation, which entails steady emotional adjustment to the new dispensation after the initial phases of relocation and resettlement. ....

Friday, March 24, 2006

Sonia's Sacrifice !!!

We all have must have read the news that Ms. Sonia Gandhi has resigned from the Loksabha. This is the second act of her doing sacrifice. Two years back she had given up the post of prime minister in the same fashion. I'm sure the congress supporters must have rushed to the 10, janpath.

Sonia Gandhi has said she is not in the politics for some personal gains but she wants to serve the nation. She is not interested in being PM or holding any such post. So great is Soniaji !!

This reminds me a story of thief who once had stolen something and fled away to some other village. Now the villagers of other village started asking from where he got so much of money. He didn't want to disclose obviously. So what he did was he gave a big donation to a local temple. Now he was no more thief but a great donor who had done a great favour to the society. Now he was a great fellow ! Just like our Soniaji !!

Dear Soniaji, what you have done, should have been done long before. And it is no sacrifice since you have given back which was never yours. You were holding it illegaly. So don't try to get martyrdom or saintdom. Instead ask all your fellow members who are holding the posts of benefit to resign quickly. This will prove how much do you respect our constitution and law.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Let's condemn the varanasi blasts !!!

The varansi bomb blasts in last week is really a ferocious act showing the wicked mentality of these terrorists. This is the time to realize that this chain of blasts is a planned event to defame india and demoralize the hindu community. Akshardham blast and attack on our Samsad were the previous ones.

Now all hindus, the sons of this land must come togather to condemn this act. We must stand togather and show the strength. What more do we need to rise from the great Tamas of the centuries ?

Let all people of the world know that hindus will no longer tolerate any such events. Hindus are not in favour of violence. It is the land which gave world the message of Ahimsa. But Ahimsa does not mean the cowardice. All our enemies must bear this in our mind. It's the time to act now. Let's all join our hands in this act of making our society strong !!!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Protest against M.F. Hussain mentality

Mr. M.F.Hussain has recently drawn some naked pictures of hindu gods and goddeses. And all of us are ready to accept it in the name of artist freedom. I would really like to ask mr. hussain why hindu gods after all ?

This is a big scheme I feel which is run to defame and demoralise hindus. I remember here the incidence a few years back when Ganapati picture was put on toilet seats. I sincerely feel that hindus now should unite togather and show some strength. Whatever great values our culture may have; without strength everything will get nullified.

We should see how the protest was made against Danish magazines printing prophet cartoons. I also condemn this act here. But I need not actually. There community is sensitive and organised enough to respond properly to it. The question is only for Hindus. When are we going to learn our lessons ?

Its time now to act. I feel all government rewards to Hussain should be taken back and we need to develope a mass movement for it than writing a blog.

(Those who wish to see Hussains pictures they can visit to sanathan sanstha website)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Honest Indians

This is a real story happened in kerala. Some days back there was a conference in Kochi on laser physics. Around fifty scintists from all over the world had come to attend it of which some were Russians.

On the last day, one Russian scientist left out a little early from his hotel. Later the cleaner found 525 dollars and some 500 rubals in the room. It was very easy for him to keep the money and noone would have known about it. But this man returned it to the hotel manager and manager arranged it to give the money to an another Russian scientist who had stayed back for a few more days.

I heard this story from people who were involved in this affair.

I bow down to this anonymous sweeper of kerala and also in front of our motherland who gave birth to such a person.

Monday, January 30, 2006

U.S. based company taking advantage of Indian tribal knowledge

In India it's a long tradition of ayurvedik medicines. We knew the medical uses of many plants and never patented it. But now alarmingly more and more foreign based companies are making commercial use of it without giving due share to the natives. They are taking advantage in the flaw of patent laws and its nonconformity in various countries. What's worse is they can easily make some life saving drugs vanish from market with such strategy.

For one such story, read this article :

Since ancient times, Kani tribals knew that arogyapacha (Trichopus zeylanicus) was a stress-buster. After nearly a decade of research, the Thiruvananthapuram-based Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI) made a herbal product, Jeevani, from the herb and transferred the technology to Coimbatore-based Arya Vaidya Pharmacy to produce and market the drug.

The profit from the licence fee was routed to Kerala Kani Samudaya Kshema Trust, set up for the welfare of the Kani tribe. The move was hailed worldwide as a sterling example of successful commercialisation of traditional knowledge and the benefits were reaped by the tribal community for sharing their knowledge with the world.

That was the story until Great Earth, a US nutrition store, discovered the benefits of Jeevani. The American company is selling the drug under its own brand name - Jeevani Jolt 1000 - without having the permission to do so.

National Science popularization award given to Swadeshi Science Movement Kerala

Swadeshi Science Movement (SSM), Kerala Chapter of Vijnana Bharati is honoured with the prestigious "Jawaharlal Nehru Prize" for the year 2005-2006, instituted by Indian Science Congress for popularisation of science. This is for the first time a Kerala based NGO being honoured by the Indian Science Congress. The award includes a cash amount of lakh and a plaque.Swadeshi Science Movement is a voluntary organisation started on November 7(Birthday of Dr. C.V.Raman), 1991,by a group of scientists and technocrats .SSM conducts innumerable programs to propagate and popularise science among students as well as common public.SSM's activities give thrust to popularise Indian contributions to science and also to globalise swadeshi sciences like ayurveda, yoga, vedic mathematics, environmental sciences etc.

Two world congresses on ayurveda and ecology conducted by this organisation have attracted scientists and technocrats from more than 40 countries and have made a global impact. Science talent search examination among students to generate affinity among younger generation towards pure science is the biggest student activity in Kerala. SSM also publishing the National Science Magazine “Science India” for students.Swadeshi Science Movement’s womens wing SHAKTI is working for the empowerment of rural women in Social, economic, Intellectual and Cultural fields.

The Self Reliance Day celebration on 15th October which happens to be the birthday of H.E. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, involving thousands of students is one of the most inspiring program, having the total participation of teachers and parents.The selection board of Indian Science Congress was pleased about the efforts taken by Swadeshi Science Movement to blend the modern sciences with the age old socio-cultural and scientific value based system. The award wasreceived by PN Subramanian, State President of SSM from the Prime Minister in the inaugural session of 93rd Indian Science Congress held at Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Hi !!!

Posting my first blog here.